Professor Karen Salzman

Professor of Radiology, University of Utah, uSA

Professor Dr Karen Salzman is a Professor of Radiology; Director of the Neuroradiology Fellowship Program & Chief of Neuroradiology. She has written over 40 peer reviewed journal articles & has been a major contributor to the Pocket Radiologist™ series; Diagnostic Imaging: Head & Neck; Diagnostic Imaging: Brain; Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy; Expert DDX Brain and Spine as well as the 2nd edition of Expert DDX Brain. She has research interests in neuro-oncologic imaging, specifically in tumours of the brain, skull base, spine and head and neck.

Neuroradiology imaging spine

Attend Professor Salzman’s next course

Professor Karen Salzman will be joining us 27-29 July 2024 for our 3-day Neuroradiology Course, hosted in Melbourne, Australia. Also available online and on-demand, don’t miss out on reviewing lots of neuro imaging cases with Karen.

Book you place now and find out more below: